Apache Httpd Proxy

Walk through of setting up Apache httpd on windows for use as a reverse proxy/load balancer for a PIM 12.8 ENTM and load balancing ENTM. This module requires the service of modproxy. It provides support for the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (hereafter AJP13). Thus, in order to get the ability of handling AJP13 protocol, modproxy and modproxyajp have to be present in the server.

Apache httpd: Configure modproxy 2019/12/26 Enable modproxy module to configure reverse proxy settings. This example is based on the environment like follows. By default modproxy (configured with enablereuse=on) allows a connection pool of ThreadsPerChild connections to the backend for each httpd process when using a threaded mpm (like worker or event), so the following use cases should be taken into account. Introduction Using Apache httpd as a proxy to an Apache Tomcat application container is a common setup. It comes with many use cases, the most trivial is serving static content from httpd, while providing services implementing heavy business logic from an application written in Java that resides in the Tomcat container.

Apache HTTP Proxy is a proxy service that distributes updates to client computers. Using HTTP Proxy allows you to minimize internet traffic on your network by caching ERA repository data and product component updates. The instructions in this section demonstrate you to configure Apache HTTP Proxy to download ERA product updates.

The graphic below illustrates how Apache HTTP Proxy is used to distribute ESET cloud traffic to all ERA components and ESET endpoint products.

Follow steps below to install and configure Apache HTTP Proxy:

I. Install Apache HTTP Proxy

II. OPTIONAL: Set a username and password for Apache HTTP Proxy

III. Configure Apache HTTP Proxy on ERA Server

IV: Create a policy for ERA Agents that will use HTTP Proxy

V. Create a policy for ESET endpoint products that will use HTTP Proxy

Install Apache HTTP Proxy

1.Visit the ESET Remote Administrator Download Page and download the appropriate all-in-one installer for your system architecture.

2.Double-click the installer file to run the All-in-one installer.

3.Select Install/Upgrade Apache HTTP Proxy (mirror replacement) and click Next.

4.Click Next if you agree to the terms of the license agreement.

5.Click Install. The message 'Apache HTTP Proxy installation was successful' will be displayed. Click Finish to close the installer.

For instructions to install Apache HTTP Proxy manually, see our Knowledgebase article.


To configure Apache HTTP Proxy on ERA Virtual appliance, follow the instructions in the Virtual Appliance Deployment Guide. ERA Server and Apache HTTP Proxy are installed on the same machine.

OPTIONAL: Set a username and password for Apache HTTP Proxy


This is an optional procedure. It is used for proxy server authentication.

Back up http.conf before you make edits to the file.

1.Navigate to C:Program FilesApache HTTP Proxyconf and open httpd.conf using a text editor.

2.Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard, type Services.msc into the blank field and then click OK.

Apache httpd proxy

3.Select the ApacheHttpProxy service and click Stop.

4.Make sure that the following lines appear in httpd.conf:

LoadModule authn_core_module modules/mod_authn_core.dll

LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.dll

LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/mod_authz_groupfile.dll

LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.dll

5.Add the following lines to httpd.conf under <Proxy *> :

AuthType Basic

Apache Httpd Proxy

AuthName 'Password Required'

AuthUserFile password.file

AuthGroupFile group.file

Apache Httpd Proxy

Require group usergroup

6.Open an administrative command prompt and type the following commands to define your password for Apache HTTP Proxy:

a)Navigate to the bin file:

cd C:Program FilesApache HTTP Proxybin

b)Enter the following command. Replace username with a name of user for Apache:

htpasswd.exe -c ..password.file username

You will be prompted to define the password that you want to use for Apache HTTP Proxy. Type your new password into the command prompt and press Enter.

Apache Httpd Proxy Timeout

7.In the folder C:Program FilesApache HTTP Proxy, create a new text file named group.file .The contents of the file should read as follows:


8.Open Services.msc, select the ApacheHttpProxy service and click Start.

Configure Apache HTTP Proxy on an ERA Server

Apache Httpd Proxy Example

1.Open ESET Remote Administrator Web Console (ERA Web Console) in your web browser and log in.

2.Navigate to Admin > Server Settings and expand Advanced Settings.

3.In the HTTP Proxy section, enable HTTP Proxy Server.

4.Enter the IP address of the Gateway computer (where HTTP Proxy is installed) in the Host field.

5.Leave the Port field set to the default port 3128 if you are not using a custom port.


Apache Httpd Proxy


If you use authentication (username and password) for HTTP Proxy, type your username and password into the appropriate field.

6.Click Save to save your changes.

Create a policy for ERA Agents that will use HTTP Proxy

1.Open ESET Remote Administrator Web Console (ERA Web Console) in your web browser and log in.

2.Navigate to Admin > Policies > New Policy.

3.Type a name for your new policy into the Name field. Optionally, you can type a description into the appropriate field.

4.Expand Settings and select ESET Remote Administrator Agent from the drop-down menu.

5.Expand AdvancedSettings and enable Use proxy server under HTTP Proxy.

6.Type the IP address of the computer where Apache HTTP proxy is installed into the Host field.

7.Leave the Port field set to the default port 3128 if you are not using a custom port.


If you use authentication (username and password) for HTTP Proxy, type your username and password into the appropriate field.

8.Expand the Assign section and click Assign. Select the check box next to the All group to assign the policy to all computers and then click OK.

9.Click Finish to save the policy.

Create a policy for ESET endpoint products that will use HTTP Proxy

1.Open ESET Remote Administrator Web Console (ERA Web Console) in your web browser and log in.

2.Navigate to Admin > Policies > New Policy.

3.Type a name for your new policy into the Name field. Optionally, you can type a description into the appropriate field.

4.Expand Settings and select ESET Endpoint for Windows (or ESET Endpoint for OS X & Linux, depending on which products are installed on your client computers) from the drop-down menu.

5.Click Tools > Proxy and enable HTTP Proxy by clicking the slider bar next to Use proxy server.

6.Type the IP address of the computer where Apache HTTP proxy is installed into the Proxy server field.

7.Leave the Port field set to the default port 3128 if you are not using custom port.


If you use authentication (username and password) for HTTP Proxy, enable Proxy server requires authentication, and then type your username and password into the appropriate field.

Apache Httpd Proxypass

8.Expand the Assign section and click Assign. Select the check box next the All group to assign the policy to all computers and then click OK.

Apache Httpd Proxypassreverse

9.Click Finish to save the policy.

A proxy server is a gateway for users to the Web at large. Users configure the proxy in their browser settings, and all HTTP requests are routed via the proxy. Proxies are typically operated by ISPs and network administrators, and serve several purposes: for example,

Apache Httpd Proxypass Timeout

  • to speed access to the Web by caching pages fetched, so that popular pages don't have to be re-fetched for every user who views them.
  • to enable controlled access to the web for users behind a firewall.
  • to filter or transform web content.